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May/June 2011

Also in This Issue
Stay Connected with Fogarty
Upcoming Events
Funding Opportunities: Upcoming Deadlines

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Dr Roger I Glass signs agreement on table, Russian representative across table signs, US and Russian flags on table

Moscow talks further US-Russia collaboration

The U.S. and Russian scientific communities came together for two significant global health events this spring in Moscow.
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Focus on trauma care and injury prevention

Young child with head wrapped in white gauze bandage

Logo: National Library of Medicine 175th, image of earth with text 1836-2011

National Library of Medicine puts 175 years in the books

The National Library of Medicine marks its 175th anniversary this year, which it is marking with a number of special programs.
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Cookstove workshop targets research gaps

A workshop organized by NIH brought together research and policy experts to discuss research priorities to reduce the health risks of cookstoves to women and children.
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Woman squats, toddler on her lap, cooks large pan full of flat bread over indoor cookstove, flames visible beneath pan

A bat, wings outstretched, flies in the sky, seen from below

RAPIDD program veteran tracks viruses transmitted by bats

Math modeler Dr. Juliet R. C. Pulliam of Fogarty’s RAPIDD program continues her work based on the outbreak of Nipah encephalitis in Bangladesh.
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Multiplying the impact of reproductive health research

Fogarty grantee and Kenya native Dr. Elizabeth A. Bukusi advocates for better drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tools to help HIV positive women.
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African woman in foreground in athletic wear holds rope, whistle around her neck, more women in background also wearing athletic

Also in This Issue

Stay Connected with Fogarty

Upcoming Events

Funding Opportunities: Upcoming Deadlines

  • NIH/PEPFAR Collaboration for Implementation Science and Impact Evaluation (R01)
    The NIH, in collaboration with the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, is soliciting applications for support for implementation science projects that will inform the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) as they develop more efficient and cost-effective methods to deliver HIV prevention, treatment, and care on a large scale.
    Deadline: July 7, 2011

  • Establishing an evidence base for e-health, a call for papers from the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Evidence is needed to promote equity of access to information and health services, and to strengthen activities and programmes that support local, regional, national and global health communities.
    Deadline: November 20, 2011

Global Health Matters is produced by the Office of Communications at the National Institutes of Health's Fogarty International Center. For more information about Global Health Matters, please contact the editor, Steve Goldstein, at Steven.Goldstein@nih.gov or 301-496-2075. All text produced in this newsletter is in the public domain and may be reprinted. Please credit Fogarty International Center. Images must be cleared for use with the individual source, as indicated.

The Fogarty International Center, the international component of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, addresses global health challenges through innovative and collaborative research and training programs and supports and advances the NIH mission through international partnerships.

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