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March / April 2016
Fogarty recently convened a meeting of disease modelers and U.S. government officials to consider how to provide actionable information early on in outbreaks.
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Dr. Marcos Espinal of WHO's Pan American Health Organization discusses PAHO's role in outbreaks such as Zika, and how critical partnerships are to global health.
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An urgent investment is needed to improve the global response to pandemics, according to the Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future.
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Fogarty fellow and engineer Dr. Arti Kundu studies the role of unclean hands in water contamination in India.
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Fogarty Director Dr. Roger I. Glass shares his thoughts on how cutting edge research in Haiti on tuberculosis, HIV, chikungunya and other diseases benefits us all.
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NIEHS, which marks its 50th anniversary this year, supports scientific discovery, training and dissemination of knowledge throughout the world on environmental health challenges.
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NIEHS has funded research to help scientists better understand how aflatoxins - by-products of mold that can grow in corn, nuts, cereals and other crops - may cause poisoning and liver cancer.
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An NIEHS-supported study found that an arsenic education program based in elementary schools was successful in convincing families to switch to safe water sources.
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Local leaders in Ahmedabad, India, developed an action plan to protect people from extreme heat, guided by research funded in part by NIEHS.
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Also in This Issue
E-news exclusives
- Building capacity in implementation science research training at the University of Nairobi
Implementation Science, March 8, 2016
- Global mortality impact of the 1957-1959 influenza pandemic
The Journal of Infectious Diseases, March 1, 2016
- Grantee news: Tuberculosis risk among medical trainees, Pune, India
Emerging Infectious Diseases, March 2016
- Teaching the principles of clinical research:
NIH Clinical Center course reaches thousands around the world
NIH Intramural Research Program Catalyst, March-April 2016
- Experimental Ebola antibody protects monkeys: antibody isolated from Ebola survivor can advance to clinical trials
NIAID/NIH news, February 25, 2016
- Grantee news: During pregnancy, offering HIV testing at home doubles the proportion of male partners who test
NAM Aidsmap news, February 24, 2016
- Vaginal ring provides partial protection from HIV in large multinational trial
NIAID/NIH news, February 22, 2016
- Publication: Doing global science: a guide to responsible conduct in the global research enterprise
InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), Princeton University Press, February 2016
Stay Connected with Fogarty
Funding Opportunities: Upcoming Deadlines
Upcoming Events
April 8, 2016
Symposium on Global Cancer Research, co-sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
San Francisco, CA
April 8 - 11, 2016
Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Annual Global Health Conference
San Francisco, CA
April 16 - 17, 2016
Global Health and Innovation Conference presented by Unite for Sight
New Haven, CT
April 18 - 20, 2016
Annual Conference on Vaccine Research supported by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID)
Baltimore, MD
April 19 - 21, 2016
World Health Summit Regional Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
May 11 - 13, 2016
NIH Regional Seminars on Program Funding and Grants Administration
Baltimore, MD
May 23 - 28, 2016
World Health Organization's World Health Assembly
Geneva, Switzerland
June 10 - 13, 2016
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) International Forum
Palm Springs, CA
July 17 - 22, 2016
International AIDS Conference
Durban, South Africa
July 23 - 28, 2016
Alzheimer’s Association International Conference
Toronto, Canada
October 9 - 11, 2016
World Health Summit
Berlin, Germany
October 26 - 27, 2016
Wireless Health Conference
NIH Campus
Bethesda, MD
Submit papers and abstracts by May 1, 2016
Fogarty Calendar of Events
Global Health Matters is produced by the Office of Communications at the National Institutes of Health's Fogarty International Center. For more information, please contact managing editor Ann Puderbaugh, at or 301-496-2075.
Permission to reprint Global Health Matters content: All text produced in this newsletter is in the public domain and may be reprinted. Please credit Fogarty International Center. Images must be cleared for use with the individual sources, as indicated.
The Fogarty International Center, the international component of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, addresses global health challenges through innovative and collaborative research and training programs and supports and advances the NIH mission through international partnerships.
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