NIH global health research newsletter, featuring a focus on the global burden of suicide, and articles on NIH FY 2019 funding, mobile health grant awards, World Report data, Fogarty’s epidemiology and population studies division, and more.
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November / December 2018
The NIH budget was approved by Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump in late September. NIH received a $2 billion increase over the previous year, and Fogarty’s allocation also saw a boost.
>> Full article
New awards made through Fogarty's mHealth program support research related to hardware or software components for mobile devices to improve health in low-resource settings.
>> Full article |
New data are available in World Report, the open-access, interactive mapping database highlighting biomedical research investments and partnerships from some of the world’s largest funders.
>> Full article |
Fogarty’s Division of International Epidemiology and Population Studies used the Center’s 50th birthday to review achievements, consider lessons learned and explore future directions.
>> Full article
With support from Fogarty, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and other NIH institutes, researchers are studying ways to reduce global suicides.

Also in this issue
NIH weighs new opportunities in global health research
Opinion by Fogarty Director Dr Roger I Glass
Dr. Glass shares his thoughts on how Fogarty should take advantage of the new frontiers of global health science by using technologies, building data science capacity and leveraging LMIC research infrastructure.
Preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission in South Africa
Q and A with Dr Glenda Gray
Dr. Gray discusses how she become an HIV/AIDS researcher in South Africa, lessons learned as a Fogarty trainee, key projects she has worked on, and her proudest career achievement.
Profile: Fogarty Fellow studies HIV referral patterns in Ghana
Dr. Cameron Gaskill studied how to enhance hospital referral systems for emergency care patients who were tested and found to be HIV positive.
US First Lady Melania Trump supports USAID programs in Africa
U.S. First Lady Melania Trump made her first significant solo overseas trip in October, spending time in four African countries: Ghana, Malawi, Kenya and Egypt.
People in the news:
- Fogarty's Dr. Ken Bridbord retires, becomes senior scientist emeritus
- Dr. Joel Breman chosen for ASTMH leadership
- Fogarty advisor Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr honored
- Dr. Peter Daszak elected into National Academy of Medicine
- Dr. Steven Schiff receives NIH award for innovative research
- Dr. Helene M. Langevin to head National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
- New post for global health executive Dr. Christoph Benn
- Dr. Gregg Gonsalves among 2018 MacArthur Fellows
- Details: People in the news
Global health briefs:
- NIH ClinGen and ClinVar programs advance global genomics
- Disease Prevention Office at NIH unveils strategic plan
- WHO focuses on childhood cancer
- Study ranks human capital investment
- Researchers consider economics of AMR
- Traditional medicine recognized by WHO
- Details: Global health briefs
E-news extras
- Fogarty website improves security, users must update older web browsers
Fogarty news, October 1, 2018
- Fogarty and NIH grantee news
- Making the case for health research in humanitarian crises: a call for case examples by Fogarty scientists
Evidence Aid blog, November 20, 2018
- Mentorship training and global health research [Open access]
Supplement to The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, November 14, 2018 (online, ahead of print)
- Big boost for infectious diseases research:
University of the West Indies, State University of New York at Buffalo awarded US$1 million to train 15 young scientists
Jamaica Observer, November 7, 2018
- [GSU professor] receives diversity research supplement [to Fogarty tobacco grant] to study smoking cessation in China, Vietnam
Georgia State University news, November 6, 2018
- The Medical Education Partnership Initiative: Strengthening Human Resources to End AIDS and Improve Health in Africa, co-authored by Fogarty leadership
Academic Medicine courtesy of PubMed, October 16, 2018
- New grant to build research capacity in infectious diseases
Aga Khan University news, October 8, 2018
- Prof. Sewankambo, Prof. Kiguli win 5-year Fogarty International Center awards
Makerere University College of Health Sciences news, October 17, 2018
- MUHAS receives Fogarty grant for transforming health professions education in Tanzania
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) news, October 2, 2018
- AAU receives over $3.5 million USD for Health-Professional Education Partnership Initiative (HEPI) through the US government fund
Addis Ababa University news, September 26, 2018
- NIH global health research news
- Final HIV prevention research highlights from HIV R4P 2018
NIAID Now blog, October 25, 2018
- Genomic analysis [supported in part by NIAID, NHGRI and NIH Common Fund's H3Africa] offers insight into 2018 Nigeria Lassa fever outbreak
NIAID/NIH news, October 18, 2018
- Scientists develop novel vaccine for Lassa fever and rabies
NIAID/NIH news, October 11, 2018
- Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) cycle 7 grant recipients, including grants supported by NIH
U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, September 2018
- News and publications featuring Fogarty staff
- Other global health research news
- More global health research news from Fogarty
Funding opportunities
Upcoming events
November 30, 2018
More Than Three Decades: Inspiring HIV Discoveries Through Basic Science Research
A World AIDS Day event hosted by the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR)
NIH campus
Bethesda, MD
Follow the event on Twitter @NIH_OAR
December 3 - 5, 2018
Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health
Co-sponsored by AcademyHealth and NIH
Washington, DC
February 12, 2019
Fogarty Advisory Board Meeting
March 7 - 10, 2019
Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Annual Global Health Conference
Chicago, IL
March 14 - 15, 2019
Alzheimer's Disease-Related Dementias (ADRD) Summit
Sponsored by NIH's National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NIH campus
Bethesda, MD, with free live webcast
Apply to the Trainee Scholarship Program, which will sponsor trainees located in North America to attend the Summit, by December 12, 2018.
March 28 - 30, 2019
International Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Observational Databases (IWHOD)
Athens, Greece
Submit abstracts by December 3, 2018. Financial assistance may be available.
April 8 - 9, 2019
Global Mental Health Research Conference
co-hosted by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Center for Global Mental Health Research
NIH campus
Bethesda, MD
Submit abstracts by December 1
Fogarty calendar of events
Connect with Fogarty
Fogarty on Facebook | Fogarty on Twitter | Subscribe
Global Health Matters is produced by the Office of Communications at the National Institutes of Health's Fogarty International Center. For more information, please contact managing editor Ann Puderbaugh, at or 301-496-2075.
Permission to reprint Global Health Matters content: All text produced in this newsletter is in the public domain and may be reprinted. Please credit Fogarty International Center. Images must be cleared for use with the individual sources, as indicated.
The Fogarty International Center, the international component of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, addresses global health challenges through innovative and collaborative research and training programs and supports and advances the NIH mission through international partnerships.
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