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Adolescent HIV Prevention and Treatment Implementation Science Alliance (AHISA)

Courtesy of istock, Two African girls look at camera, one is writing Photo credit: borgogniels/istock/Thinkstock

The Adolescent HIV Prevention and Treatment Implementation Science Alliance (AHISA) aims to support the use of implementation science approaches. AHISA aims to enhance the effective use of evidence and help overcome implementation challenges related to prevention, screening and treatment of HIV among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa by catalyzing collaboration and communication among NIH-funded implementation scientists, program implementers and policymakers.


The goals of the Alliance are to:
  • Provide a platform for cross-fertilization and exchange of ideas and information among implementation scientists and other stakeholders focusing on different aspects of HIV in adolescents;
  • Enable the research to be better informed by programmatic challenges and questions;
  • Inform policymakers of promising evidence and encourage use of the data in decision making; and
  • Extend the reach and impact of implementation science related to adolescent HIV prevention and treatment.

AHISA is made up of 26 teams across 11 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Each team is composed of NIH-funded scientists conducting relevant implementation research; in-country partners including in-country staff, key in-country government representatives, in-country research collaborators, and other stakeholders; and youth. The Alliance is led by members of CGHS and driven by a steering committee of experts.

Read about the leadership and membership of AHISA

Alliance Sustainability Projects

These projects aim to catalyze long-term and sustainable region- and country-specific collaborations that respond to local implementation issues and increase implementation science capacity across sub-Saharan Africa.

Read about our Alliance Sustainability Projects


The Alliance convenes an annual forum that enables the exchange of ideas, insights and experiences, as well as webinars, panel sessions, and other events.

Read more about our annual forum and other events


The network and its members have developed a number of deliverables including publications, toolkits, and other resources that further adolescent HIV and implementation science efforts.

Read peer-reviewed articles and other publications about AHISA


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Updated February 28, 2025