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Advancing Science for Global Health
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Center for Global Health Studies

As a program under Fogarty’s Division of International Science Policy, Planning and Evaluation (DISPPE), the Center for Global Health Studies (CGHS) identifies emerging research priorities to inform current and future Fogarty and NIH investments. Through exploring global health research trends, CGHS stimulates new scientific directions in global health, catalyzes multidisciplinary and multi-sector collaboration, and coordinates short-term training to enhance the pool of qualified applicants to Fogarty and NIH global health research programs. CGHS convenes leading scientists from NIH, low- and middle-income countries and the U.S. to discuss critical research priorities, opportunities and synergies around specific global health challenges.

CGHS also moves the global implementation science agenda forward by promoting relevant research methods and frameworks and fostering the development of new approaches and skills to translate scientific evidence into health policy and practice.

CGHS projects aim to generate practical, science-based deliverables, such as publications in reputable scientific journals, training materials, and research tool kits.

Select Projects

Three women on computers at Rakai Health Sciences Program in Uganda 

State of Data Science for Health in Africa
An African-led writing project to describe the state of the field, highlight its importance, and stimulate new thinking on the topic.

A group of women observe as a man holds up a leaf  from crops growing under a makeshift greenhouse 

Global Food and Nutrition Insecurity
Highlighting innovative research projects on nutrition and food insecurity and health outcomes in global settings.

Photo by Pallyana Ventura/Getty Images. Two smiling children on swing outdoors. 

Childhood Obesity Prevention Across Borders: The Promise of US-Latin American Research Collaboration
Catalyzing collaborations between U.S. and Latin American scientists on childhood obesity prevention.

group of cyclists in LA during the first CicLAvia 

Global Health Reciprocal Innovation
The Global Health Reciprocal Innovation project seeks to highlight how health innovations that have been researched, developed and implemented in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) can be adapted and adopted to address similar challenges in U.S. settings utilizing scientific methods such as implementation science.

ESSENCE on Health Research logo 

ESSENCE on Health Research
Helps donors and funders identify synergies, establish coherence and increase the value of resources and action for health research.

Close up of data entry on mobile device with a stylus, multiple people point to screen 

Global mHealth Research Training Institute
An in-person, scenario-based training institute to promote multidisciplinary research, implementation science and novel research methodologies to a cohort of researchers from diverse fields.

Advancing Health Research in Crisis Settings
Convening researchers, other organizations and policymakers to share learning and strategies on conducting global health research in the context of crises, such as armed conflict, natural disasters, forced displacement and disease outbreaks.

Courtesy of istock, Two African girls look at camera, one is writing 

Adolescent HIV Prevention and Treatment Implementation Science Alliance (AHISA)
Supporting implementation science to address HIV prevention, screening and treatment for adolescent young adults in sub-Saharan Africa.

Past Projects

Read about past projects of the Center for Global Health Studies.

About the Center Facilities

Five men in an office collaborate and discuss in an office at the Center for Global Health Studies 

Many people seated at a large conference table discuss and collaborate at the Center for Global Health Studies 


The Center for Global Health Studiesis located on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. Center facilities host in-person and virtual, distance-based trainings and collaborations for supported projects.

The building has three floors of office and meeting space, including a conference room with state-of-the-art videoconferencing capabilities.


To catalyze research to address global health challenges through multidisciplinary and multi-sector dialogue, collaboration and training


Nalini Anand, J.D., MPH.
Director, Center for Global Health Studies
Fogarty International Center
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Email: Nalini.Anand@nih.gov
Phone: 301-402-7348

Rachel Sturke, Ph.D., MPH, M.I.A.
Deputy Director, Center for Global Health Studies
Fogarty International Center
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Email: Rachel.Sturke@nih.gov
Phone: 301-496-1491

Fogarty Advisory Board Subcommittee

A subcommittee of the Fogarty Advisory Board provides strategic direction for the Center's projects and programs.

  • Dr. Benjamin Chi
    Vice Chair for Research and Innovation, OBGYN
    Distinguished Professor, Global Women's Health
    Interim Director, Center of Women's Health Research
    Adjunct Professor, Epidemiology
    University of North Carolina
  • Dr. Jennifer Kates
    Senior Vice President
    Director of Global Health & HIV Policy
    Kaiser Family Foundation
  • Dr. Maureen Lichtveld
    Dean of the Graduate School of Public Health
    Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health
    Jonas Salk Chair in Population Health
    University of Pittsburgh

Updated February 28, 2025