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Local Implementation Science Network (LISN): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Local Implementation Science Network (LISN).


Do the proposed local IS alliances need to be limited to one country or can we propose a regional or multi-country alliance?

You can apply with more than one country, but at least one of them must be one of the eligible countries (and stronger application would include more than one of the selected countries). For countries with limited IS capacity, we understand that a multi-country approach linking to a country with stronger capacity may be necessary.

If our work is not related to HIV but we are interested in this opportunity, can we apply?

The proposed application must have a priority area related to HIV.

Are multiple PIs allowed for this LISN application?

Applications should come from one PI with relevant NIH-supported research project. Other researchers can be part of the alliance team, which can have up to five people total.

If we are already organizing meetings for the African continent, would this be a good fit for the application?

Each alliance will convene partners to develop activities related to implementation challenges in the context of HIV and an overall agenda that addresses consensus-driven implementation science priorities. An application to organize meetings across a region or continent would need to include a strong justification that addresses the objectives outlined in the call and consider how the work will be able to address the activities and objectives outlined in the announcement.

Can the PI be from the US?

Yes, the PI on the award can be from either the US or abroad. Other members of the alliance should be from in-country and can include research collaborators. Applications led by someone from the focus country or with teams made up completely of individuals from the proposed focus country will be prioritized.

Is there any role for US partners in this opportunity?

Yes, US partners can serve as a research PI on a LISN team if they meet the eligibility requirements (i.e. have an active grant in the last 5 years). In addition, one of the team members can be from the US if the alliance is led by someone in the focus country.

Can we have an implementing partner who works in two focus countries?

Yes, you can have one partner who works in multiple focus countries. Alliances should have at least two in-country partners, including from any PEPFAR agency, key in-country government representatives, and/or in-country research collaborators. Partners are expected to be actively engaged in the local alliance and attend all cross-alliance network meetings.

Can we apply as a joint network with another, existing alliance?

Yes, we encourage this approach as long as the application clearly outlines how the networks will convene, coordinate and synergize.

Would applications from NIH funded co-PIs or from other leadership roles be less competitive?

We welcome applications from anyone on a leadership team on an NIH-funded projects. The NIH-supported project should be relevant to HIV and IS and ideally, will be related to the proposed focus area. Additional expertise outside of the NIH funding will be considered. The ideal applicant will have strong demonstrated interest in and work related to IS as it applies to HIV, strong collaborations with in-country research and non-research partners, and plans to use the interactions supported by the Alliance to inform and enhance the impact of their research.

Applicants are required to have a relevant NIH-supported research project that is or was active in the last five years. Is there a research scope these grants must fall into?

Applicants’ NIH-funded grants should be relevant to HIV, implementation science, and/or their priority focus area. Applications can also demonstrate expertise within their research team related to HIV and IS beyond the scope of their NIH funding.

I work in primary health care beyond HIV. Can I apply if my area of interest includes HIV alongside other PHC issues?

The focus of this work must be on HIV. However, the local priority focus area of the local alliance can include other health areas. In the application, you should explain why the local alliance has chosen this HIV priority area for the context specific to the country or local area you are applying from.

Can PEPFAR implementing agencies be considered an in-country IP?

Yes, partners can include PEPFAR implementation agencies.

Does the NIH funded project have to be a research grant? What if I have a training grant, like a D43?

Any NIH-funded project relevant to HIV and implementation science is eligible. Applicants can further demonstrate expertise within their research team related to HIV and IS beyond the scope of their NIH funding.

Are PEPFAR country staff required to be part of the leadership? Or are you hoping we include leadership from the PEPFAR-supported implementing partners?

One of the in-country partners should be from an in-country PEPFAR implementing partners and agency staff.

Can a PI be from another country outside Sub-Saharan Africa other than the US?

Yes, PIs can be from any country as long as they have an active or recent NIH-supported research project, have partners in one of the eligible countries, and meet the other eligibility criteria.

Should the prime applicant partner with 2-5 additional partners, or is the PI included in the five leaders?

There can be up to five partners as part of the leadership team including the PI.

Can organizations be part of multiple applications?

Yes, though PIs can only submit one application.

Does this mean I can only have five people in the alliance?

No, only five people can be part of the local ISA leadership team and will attend the cross-alliance network meetings. We except that the local alliances will engage more than five people total.

Does a PEPFAR funded project count towards the NIH funded requirement?

No, the PI must have received NIH funding to be eligible. Additional funding from PEPFAR and a connection to PEPFAR programs can be highlighted in the application, particularly if they make a strong case for HIV and IS related experience.

Funding Questions

Can I use the local alliance funds to pay for research activities?

No, the alliance funds cannot support any research activities.

Given the alliance structure, is the funding for each entity in the alliance? Or is this intended to be set up as a prime and sub-awardee structure?

The funding will be given to the PI, who will be responsible for distributing funds to other partners.

The announcement says that the “funds cannot be used for salary support.” Does that mean that we cannot pay anyone?

Funds from the award are not intended to pay for people already funded by the NIH. The award allows funds to be used to support an administrator and can also be used to pay for per diems and/or honorarium, trainee payments, and other efforts that compensate for time spent on the local ISA.

With such a low budget (and being inclusive of indirect costs), what can we spend money on?

Funding is intended to be used for building the local alliance and engaging partners, providing capacity building activities, developing an IS research agenda and research protocols, and creating plans for scale-up and sustainability.

What are the funding parameters?

As outlined in more detail in the call for applications, local alliance teams will receive up to $40,000 inclusive of indirect costs to develop their alliances and support their proposed activities. Teams will also receive travel support (airfare, accommodation, and per diem only) up to $10,000 inclusive of indirect costs to support in person attendance at the LISN launch meeting

Activities and Deliverables

What are the intended deliverables?

Deliverables could include prioritized research agenda, research/program landscape, training curriculum, a dissemination plan, and a plan for sustaining the alliance. Applications must indicate specific deliverables and intended impacts. Ideally, the alliances will be able to apply for locally-relevant research and training opportunities based on their efforts.

What are the expectations for the capacity building activities? Is the intention to do active, formal capacity building or to develop a plan for build capacity?

It is anticipated that the local alliances will organize capacity building activities such as workshops and training sessions that enhance local researcher and program capacity in implementation science. Capacity building activities can happen at one time or can be provided throughout the course of the alliance.

Should the focus be on one of the listed priority areas, or would it be an advantage to focus on more than one? Do we have to choose one priority area or more than that?

Applicants may have more than one priority focus area, but they will need to justify and make a strong case for these selections and articulate how the local ISA will be able to meet multiple priorities. Applicants don't have to identify one single priority area - it could be more.

Logistics for Applying

Is registration at the CRDF Global Grant Portal necessary for submission of a grant application?

Registration with CRDF is required to submit a proposal. Please email Annie King (aking@crdfglobal.org) to have her set this up for you.

The CRDF is supposed to approve registration within 3 days but it is one week now and I have not gotten any confirmation of my registration at the site. What should I do next?

If you have not heard back from CRDF within three days, please email Annie King (aking@crdfglobal.org).

Do I need to register through CRDF as an organization or individual?

The registration to the Electronic Proposal Submission (EPS) site is individual (one log-in per PI). When you log in to submit your application, you will have to input organizational / institutional information.

The template application form budget tab has a whole section for personnel and consultants. Should I leave those blank?

You should leave any sections that are not applicable to your application blank.

The description of the components to include are listed in on the website as seven sections “a through g”. But the excel form only seems to include a subset of these sections. Can you clarify how to include these additional sections? For example, the excel doesn’t have a section for “f” Local alliance activities.

The application should be filled out as follows:

  1. Personal information should be captured on the Project Overview tab, and on the first IDF tab.
  2. Partner Information should be captured on the Project Overview tab, and on respective IDF tabs.
  3. Research Background should be captured on the Project Overview tab, likely as part of the Abstract.
  4. Applicant and Partner Interest should be entered in the space provided on the Project Overview tab.
  5. Local Alliance Priority should be entered in the space provided on the Project Overview tab.
  6. Local Alliance Activities should be outlined on the SOW tab, as detailed in the bottom grey instruction box on the right side of the page.
  7. Deliverables should be captured in the space provide on the SOW tab.

Is there room for letters of support from the partners to be submitted with the application?

Please submit letters of support under the ‘Award Documents' section of the Application on CRDF’s EPS.


What is the duration of the award?

The award contracts are for one year.

Is this the first time this funding opportunity is being made?

This is the first time this opportunity is being made. The opportunity is modeled after some work we have supported within the Adolescent HIV Prevention and Treatment Implementation Science Alliance (AHISA) initiative which has resulted in local implementation science alliances. However, the alliances coming from AHISA are focused on implementation science related to prevention and treatment of adolescent HIV and the LISN opportunity is intended to be more broadly focused on implementation science related to HIV.

How many LISNs do you imagine funding with this call?

We are not sure how many we will be able to fund in this initial round but anticipate funding a minimum of 8 awards.

Updated October 16, 2024