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Funding news for global health researchers: November 25, 2024

On behalf of the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the following funding opportunities, notices and announcements may be of interest to those working in the field of global health research. Updates are typically distributed once a week.

Special Announcements

Upcoming Webinar: Learning From Global Food and Nutrition Insecurity

The upcoming Learning From Global Food and Nutrition Insecurity Across Borders webinar will launch the Global Food and Nutrition Security Research supplement recently published in Frontiers. The webinar will explore innovative strategies and best practices across the life course to understand the determinants of and effectively address food and nutrition insecurity across national and international contexts.

Fogarty-partnered NIMHD Research Training Program Now Accepting Applications

The NIMHD Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Training (MHRT) Program supports research training activities that are consistent with the mission of NIMHD. The program helps ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained scientists is available in appropriate scientific disciplines to address the Nation's need to advance scientific research to improve minority health and reduce health disparities.

NIH Interested in Implementation Science for Climate Change and Health

The NIH Climate Change and Health Initiative (CCHI), an urgent, cross-cutting NIH effort to stimulate research to reduce health threats from climate change across the lifespan, is seeking applications that propose implementation studies to understand and address barriers and facilitators to the adoption, implementation, scale-up, and sustainment of effective interventions to prevent or mitigate the health effects of climate change in the United States and globally.

Upcoming Deadlines for Fogarty Funding Opportunities

Upcoming deadlines for all Fogarty funding opportunities

Funding opportunities on which Fogarty is a partner:

Administrative supplements for current Fogarty grant recipients:

All administrative supplements

Funding Opportunities

NIH funding opportunities focusing on global health and foreign collaboration:

More NIH funding opportunities focused on areas relevant to global health

NIH funding opportunities for which foreign organizations and/or foreign components of U.S. organizations may apply:

NIH funding opportunities for which foreign components may apply:

Other Funding News

General NIH notices:

Notices of changes to NIH funding opportunities:

Notices of intent to publish funding opportunities:

NIH Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs):

Non-NIH funding opportunities:

  • The Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) initiative are seeking at least 60 early career researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. Eligible research themes include: Earth systems, Climate change and sustainability, energy transition, Societal challenges of environmental issues and Human, animal and ecosystem health as part as a "One Health" approach.
    Application deadline: December 5, 2024

More non-NIH funding opportunities

Training Opportunities

Cornell Accepting Applications for Global Women’s Health Training

Applications are now open for the Global Infectious Diseases across a Woman's Lifespan Course, and the Women’s Infectious Diseases in Global Health Scholars (WINGS) Program

Manuscript, Abstract & Poster Submission Opportunities

  • The Pan African Medical Journal is welcoming papers for a special edition related to all aspects of mpox in Africa, including epidemiology, research, clinical practice, outbreak investigation and response, and other relevant mpox data and activities in Africa.
    • Submissions due: November 30, 2024
  • The Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Forum will be a 3-day event, held in Nairobi, Kenya between 7-9 May 2025, and co-hosted with the African Population Health Research Center (APHRC). Elrha is inviting humanitarian health research, policy, and practice experts, with experience relevant to the key objectives and themes of the Forum, to contribute to making it a stimulating, engaging, and inclusive event.
    • Submissions due: December 15, 2024
  • The International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN) is now accepting abstract submissions for ICSN 2025, which will be held June 18-20, 2025 in Aarhus, Denmark. The theme of ICSN 2025 is "Shaping the Future of Cancer Screening." Submitters are encouraged to submit abstracts that explore topics relating to one of the 10 abstracts themes.
    • Submissions due: January 2, 2025
  • The National Cancer Institute is now accepting proposals for the annual ASGCR Symposium on Global Cancer Research. The theme of this year’s symposium is New Models for Participatory Research in Global Oncology: Elevating the Voices of Patients and Providers.
    • Symposium dates: May 5-8, 2025
    • Submissions due: January 17, 2025
  • The Abstract Submission portal for INTEREST 2025, being held May 13-16, 2025, in Windhoek, Namibia, is now open. Successful candidates will be invited for an oral, mini-oral, or poster presentation.
    • Submissions due: January 17, 2025
  • The Beyond Global Health (BGH) is interested in how people from the Global North and Global South to share their understanding of the concept of “Global Health.” Rather than exploring this through scientific journals and manuscripts, BGH is looking to expand on this idea through poetry, art, prose, and photography. Submissions are currently being accepted through the BGH website from researchers, participants, global health professionals, recipients of global health interventions, and anyone passionate about global health.
    • Submissions due: February 17, 2025


Events for global health researchers:

Fogarty calendar of events