Fogarty Grantee 2010 Photo Contest Winners
Fogarty International Center grantees are working across the globe to conduct critical research, build partnerships, and train the next generation of researchers and healthcare workers. To demonstrate the broad scope and direct impact of their work, many Fogarty-funded investigators submitted entries in the 2010 Fogarty Grantee Photo Contest. The images captured demonstrate the efforts of grants awarded through a broad array of Fogarty programs.
Below find the winning photos selected by Fogarty staff. Fogarty appreciates the participation of all grantees, and extends congratulations to photographers of the winning submissions.
 A home-based intervention for children with intellectual disabilities in Vietnam
 Potential anthrax hosts, Namibia
 Young girl and brother, Vietnam
 Girl playing in courtyard, Botswana |
 Fishermen on lake, Kenya |
 "Bibi," Tanzania |
 Child on mothers back
 Veterinarian and zebra, Namibia
 View of lake, Madagascar
 Young boy smiling for the cameras, Malawi
 Fiji Crinoids
 Tsetse transmitted African trypanosomiasis
 TB patient with grandson, Kenya
 Rainbow over village, Fiji
 Sick pig, Fiji
 Pesticide applicators
 Two boys in Haydom, Tanzania
 Mona River
 Giraffes heading towards a watering hole, Namibia |
Updated November 2010