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Non-NIH Funding Opportunities - Grants and Fellowships

This directory of Non-NIH Funding Opportunities includes international grants and fellowships in biomedical and behavioral research, providing information about additional funding opportunities available to those in the field of global health research.

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Organization(sorted ascending)(sorted descending)Fellowship/Grant Program(sorted ascending)(sorted descending)Funding TypesProgram Summary
AcademyHealth AcademyHealth Scholarships and Fellowships Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral, Faculty

AcademyHealth works to improve health and the performance of the health system by supporting the production and use of evidence to inform policy and practice. AcademyHealth provides access to information on scholarships and fellowships available through organizations in Washington, D.C. and throughout the country, as well as a growing number of opportunities directly through AcademyHealth.

Africa Research Excellence Fund Africa Research Excellence Fund Fellowships Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral, Faculty, Health Professional, Institutions, Travel

This ​Research Development Fellowship (RDF) Programme is designed to support African researchers who are working on important challenges for human health in Africa.

African Academy of Sciences (AAS) African Academy of Sciences Funding Opportunities Postdoctoral, Faculty

​The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) recognizes excellence through fellowship and award schemes; provides advisory and think tank functions for shaping Africa’s science, technology and innovation strategies and policies; and implements key science, technology and innovation programmes addressing Africa’s developmental challenges. AAS also coordinates mentorship programs.

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (American Friends) Opportunities: Fellowships and Awards Postdoctoral, Health Professional
American Friends of the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation promotes networking, exchange and creative collaboration among scientists, scholars, artists and other professionals in the United States and Germany. Most of the fellowships and grants are open to all nationalities.
Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research Call for Proposals Postdoctoral, Faculty
The Alliance issues calls for proposals on a regular basis. Institutions from low- and middle-income countries are targe​ted.
American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Global Health (SOGH) Awards Postdoctoral, Health Professional, Travel
The SOGH offers awards for residents and fellowship trainee members who wish to complete a clinical pediatric elective in low or middle-income county  (LMIC) during residency; travel awards ; and awards for lifetime service and lasting contributions to global child health​.
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) AACR Funding Opportunities Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral, Faculty, Health Professional, Travel
AACR grants support researchers, domestically and abroad, at every stage of their career, representing a global commitment to understanding, preventing, diagnosing, and treating cancer. AACR offers research funding, postdoctoral and clinical research fellowships, scientific achievement awards and travel grants.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) AAAS Fellowships Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral
AAAS is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people. AAAS offers Science and Technology Policy Fellowships, as well as many other opportunities and resources.
American Association of University Women (AAUW) AAUW Fellowships and Grants Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral, Health Professional, Travel
AAUW advances educational and professional opportunities for women in the United States and around the globe. Domestic and international fellowship and grant recipients perform research in a wide range of disciplines and work to improve their schools and communities.
American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) ABTA Research Grants Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral
The American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) provides critical funding to researchers working toward breakthroughs in brain tumor diagnosis, treatment and care, with the ultimate goal of finding a cure.
American Cancer Society ACS Grant Mechanisms, Including International Fellowships Postdoctoral, Health Professional
As the nation's largest private, not-for-profit source of funds for scientists studying cancer, the American Cancer Society (ACS) focuses its funding on investigator-initiated, peer-reviewed proposals.
American Chemistry Society - Women Chemists Committee ACS Women Chemists Committee Awards and Recognition Travel, Postdoctoral, Faculty, Predoctoral/Graduate
The Women Chemists Committee (WCC) serves the membership of the American Chemical Society, attracting, developing and promoting women in the chemical sciences. The WCC and Eli Lilly and Company sponsor the Award to provide funding for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral female chemists to travel to meetings to present the results of their research.
American College of Physicians (ACP) Global Physician Scholar (GPS) Program Postdoctoral
ACP's Global Physician Scholar (GPS) Program provides opportunities for early-mid career physicians from outside the United States and Canada to gain expertise in a focused area relating to the prevention, diagnosis, and/or management of a clinical problem in internal medicine and the subspecialties.​
American Institute of Indian Studies Research Fellowships Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral
The American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) furthers the knowledge of India in the United States by supporting American scholarship on India. AIIS offers research fellowships in all fields, including public health and biomedical research.
American Psychological Association (APA) International Programs and Awards Postdoctoral, Faculty, Health Professional, Institutions, Travel
The American Psychological Association (APA) supports the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge. Its Office of International Affairs selects a number of internationally focused awards, including travel and mentor awards.
American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association (ASTDA) ASTDA Recognition Awards Postdoctoral, Faculty

​ASTDA is an organization dedicated to the control and study of sexually transmitted diseases. ASTDA Development Awards to encourage new investigators to pursue careers in STD research. The awards are open to PhD or MD investigators at U.S. institutions who have recently achieved faculty rank, and persons who are making the transition from postdoctoral training to faculty-level appointments at U.S. sites.

American Society for Microbiology Fellowship and Career Information Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral, Faculty, Travel
The American Society for Microbiology aims to advance the microbiological sciences. Students, postdoctoral fellows, and early and mid-career scientists are eligible for fellowships to conduct research and participate in activities that encourage professional growth in a new area. Funds may be available for stipends, housing, travel, and ASM membership.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) ASCO International Research Postdoctoral, Faculty, Health Professional
ASCO International supports the research needs of oncology care team members from all over the world. Read below to learn more about ASCO’s research collaboration programs, fellowships, grants, and global oncology journal.
American Society of Hematology ASH Global Initiatives: Programs and Awards Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral, Faculty, Travel
The American Society of Hematology (ASH) promotes research, clinical care, education, training, and advocacy related to the causes and treatments of blood disorders. ASH offers provides a wide array of programs and services to help hematologists conquer blood diseases worldwide.
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Funding and Fellowships Sponsored by ASTMH Predoctoral/Graduate, Postdoctoral, Travel
The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) is a worldwide organization of scientists, clinicians, and program professionals whose mission is to promote global health through the prevention and control of infectious and other diseases that disproportionately afflict the global poor. ASTMH offers a variety of awards, fellowships and medals, including travel awards to its annual meeting.

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