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World Report: an interactive mapping database of global biomedical research

World Report: worldreport.nih.gov

Shreenshot of World Report showing direct award linked to 5 collaborations at research sites around the world. 

World Report allows users to easily visualize
international research activities and partnered

World Report is an interactive, open-access online database and mapping tool of global research investments. The site depicts direct and indirect awards supported by some of the world’s largest biomedical research funders by continent, country, funding organization, research organization and year. It includes funding data starting from 2016 onward. Users can search research projects by keywords in titles and abstracts; and filter them by location (continent, country or city), funding organization, research organization, principal investigator name, or any combination.

World Report provides a public means to track international research activities and partnered investments, increase awareness of funding opportunities and share results with the broader research and funding community. The goal is to improve understanding of the research landscape, identify gaps in funding and areas where there might be a duplication of effort, and enable funders to more effectively synergize investments.

World Report

World Report Data in Use: Partner Publications

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World Report Participants

World Report is hosted by NIH; managed by a steering committee of participants; and supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the European Commission, the NIH, the U.K.'s Medical Research Council, and Wellcome Trust.

World Report includes funding data from:

Updated April 25, 2023