Russians seek further collaboration with Fogarty
January/February 2011 | Volume 10, Issue 1

Photo by Jeff Gray
In his meeting with Russian Academy of Sciences’ counselor
Dr. M. V. Ugrumov, Fogarty Director Dr. Roger I. Glass
expressed interest in expanding collaborations.
As part of a continuing dialogue between U.S. and Russian officials to advance scientific collaborations, Fogarty hosted a senior neuroscientist from the Russian Academy of Sciences to explore research areas of mutual interest between NIH and RAS. Dr. M.V. Ugrumov, counselor to the president of RAS, had several days of meetings with NIH and Fogarty staff and made a presentation to a group including Fogarty Director Dr. Roger I. Glass.
“We’re discussing potential collaborations between NIH and the Russian Academy of Sciences in neuroscience and other fields,” Dr. Ugrumov said in an interview. “For instance, in my country, we really need transgenic mice - to study, to use them to advance research in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Right now, we have very limited supply.”
“We should find opportunities that are pragmatic and of mutual interest,” he said, adding that there were ongoing research studies in fetal alcohol syndrome and other brain disorders.
Of mice - and men. Dr. Ugrumov said studies have predicted that the prevalence in humans of neurological diseases will outstrip both heart and cancer disease by 2040.
Funding for current activities with Russia is over $3.5 million. In an effort to expand these collaborations and broaden the scientific contact between the two nations, the U.S.-Russia Scientific Forum in Biomedical and Behavioral Research was established during a fall 2009 visit by Dr. Glass to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. The first sponsor of this public-private partnership is Eli Lilly and Company, whose contribution focused on supporting a clinical and translational research training program in Russia and on supporting the forum.
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