Global health news briefs - February 2022
January/ February 2022 | Volume 21 Number 1
US benefits from foreign STEM talent
A White House-commissioned study to quantify the economic costs and benefits of international science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent in the U.S. found that foreign workers contribute nearly 2% to the country's gross domestic product, adding as much as $409 billion annually to the economy.
NIH releases pandemic preparedness plan
The NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has announced it will direct its preparedness efforts on two fronts. Researchers will identify “prototype pathogens"—viruses within viral families that have the potential to cause significant human disease—and use these to build a framework for a rapid research and product development response.
Scientific integrity should be strengthened
The White House has released a report identifying ways to strengthen policies and practices to restore public trust in government through scientific integrity and evidence-based policymaking. The assessment is intended to ensure government-funded science is conducted, managed, communicated, and used in ways that preserve accuracy and objectivity and prevent political interference.
Academy calls for global science focus
The U.S. should take bold and meaningful steps to strengthen connections in an increasingly global network of science and technology, according to a report from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. To fully participate in this new landscape, the U.S. must support additional talent pipelines and foster sustainable, equitable partnerships.
GHTC celebrates 15th anniversary
The Global Health Technology Coalition is marking 15 years of advocacy to advance policies that support innovations to improve the health of the world's poorest people. GHTC has produced a website that reviews its history, impact and some of the breakthrough innovations its members have brought to market.
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