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Get ready for NIH grant updates coming in 2025

May/June 2024 | Volume 23 Number 3

This photo shows a laptop computer on a table; its screen displays the login page for eRA commons. Photo courtesy of DenPhoto/Adobe Stock/Fogarty International Center

Next year brings big changes to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants process. Brief summaries of these changes are below. For a full list visit: https://go.nih.gov/Grants2025

Changes effective for applications due on or after January 25, 2025

Simplified peer review: The updated framework focuses on scientific merit and reducing reputational bias in grant evaluation. It affects most competing research project grant applications.

Fellowship updates: Both the review criteria for fellowship applications and the PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form are being updated.

Training program form updates: The PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form and the Training Tables are being modified.

Updated instructions for reference letters:  NIH is updating the instructions for reference letters to provide more structure.

Transition to FORMS-I: New forms will help implement policy updates and align form instructions and field labels with current terminology.

Changes taking effect in May 2025

Common forms for biosketch and support: NIH is adopting Federal Common Forms for biographical sketch and current and pending support.


More information

Updated June 17, 2024

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