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NIH updates policy on foreign subaward and consortium written agreements

September/October 2023 | Volume 22 Number 5

Illustration of a building with columns over a flattened world map Image courtesy of NIH Office of Extramural Research Changes to the NIH Foreign Subaward Agreement Policy go into effect in January 2024

NIH recently revised its Foreign Subaward Agreement Policy; changes go into effect January 2, 2024.

The most notable revision to the policy requires that “subaward agreements must stipulate that foreign subrecipients will provide access to copies of all lab notebooks, all data, and all documentation that supports the research outcomes as described in the progress report, to the primary recipient with a frequency of no less than once per year, in alignment with the timing requirements for Research Performance Progress Report submission.”

It is also important to note that by “access to,” it is understood that such access may be entirely electronic.

These changes aim to ensure that NIH-funded projects maintain the highest standards of research integrity while fostering international scientific cooperation.

By enhancing transparency, accountability, and security in foreign collaborations, NIH hopes to foster continued global scientific cooperation while protecting American innovation and research excellence.

For more information on these policy changes and their implications for your research, please visit the NIH subaward webpage or see answers to their FAQs.

More Information

Information on updates to the policy:


Updated October 17, 2023

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