$11.5M awarded from Fogarty to train HIV researchers
July / August 2017 | Volume 16, Issue 4

Photo by David Rochkind/Fogarty
New awards issued through Fogarty's HIV Research Training
Program will help train researchers in East Asia and across
sub-Saharan Africa.
Updated September 18, 2017
Fogarty has issued ten new awards through its HIV Research Training Program to build HIV research capacity at institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This round of grants - expected to total $11.5 million over five years - will train researchers in Mozambique, the Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Ukraine and Zambia.
Most of the funds provide support for robust 5-year programs. Researchers at Brown University will train HIV scientists in the Philippines, which has one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world. In Ukraine, SUNY Downstate Medical Center will help to train local investigators to conduct implementation science research to identify best practices for managing new HIV infections. Researchers with the University of California, San Diego will focus on HIV-1 related biosciences and public health research in Mozambique.
Four of these robust projects will support training for researchers in South Africa. Because biostatisticians play a central role in the design and analysis of all public health and biomedical research studies, including HIV, an award to Stellenbosch University will support the Africa Center for Biostatistical Excellence. A team with the University of California, San Francisco will focus on training in best practices for handling blood transfusion processes to improve the prevention and treatment of HIV-related hematologic diseases. The University of Cape Town will partner with Johns Hopkins University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center to provide training opportunities that develop the next generation of researchers working on the epidemiology, treatment issues and immunology of HIV and tuberculosis interaction. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Zambia, and the University of the Witwatersrand will leverage ongoing partnerships to support a training program to further develop research capacity at the important intersection of HIV and women's reproductive health.
Smaller, 3-year grants will improve research infrastructure at LMIC institutions. The University of Rwanda is partnering with Albert Einstein College of Medicine to create a regional research administration training center hub. The Centre for AIDS Programme in Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) will provide research and management training in their home country and in Zambia, with plans to extend the training to Nigeria and Kenya. Moi University in Kenya will focus on supporting research ethics committees, developing and implementing an institutional framework to prevent, detect and manage research misconduct.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has partnered with Fogarty to help support the awards.
2017 Fogarty HIV Research Training Program Awards
5-year International Research Training Grants
3-year Infrastructure Development Training Awards
More Information
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