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Home > Information > Frequently Asked Questions for applicants to Interventions for Stigma Reduction to Improve HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional) Print

Frequently Asked Questions for applicants to Interventions for Stigma Reduction to Improve HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)

Following find answers to frequently asked questions for applicants to FOA on Interventions for Stigma Reduction to Improve HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)

Important to note


  • Review the types of acceptable research topics under Section 1- Objectives
  • Review the guidelines for what is encompassed under interventions and under health outcomes in Section 1
  • Follow guidelines provided in Section IV.2 under PHS 398 Research Plan
  • Discuss briefly strategies for research capacity strengthening at the LMIC institution into the proposed research program. This does not have to be a specific aim but may be addressed at the end on the Specific Aims page or at the end of the research Strategy Section. A short 4-6 lines may be sufficient. 
  • In summary, the following parts in the application should be identifiable - identify the population to work with and the stigma relevant to that population for which an intervention to reduce that stigma is being researched. Demonstrate that the use of that intervention has the stigma reducing capability and leads to a better health outcome (as defined in the RFA). Thus, the population, the type of stigma, intervention and health outcomes are strung together and reviewers must be able to identify them. Validating methods or developing new methods that could more accurately measure stigma reduction resulting in better health but must be linked to a stigma reduction intervention being contemplated.


  • Be on the lookout for new Forms package that will be rolled out late October/early November 2021. Determine if it applies to this FOA. Always apply to the Link provided in the FOA to ensure you have the right forms and instructions.
  • If unsure how to tell the form version you are using, check out https://grants.nih.gov/grants/electronicreceipt/files/right_forms.pdf
  • Applications proposing studies that do not address a stigma reduction intervention strategy linked to measurement of a beneficial health outcome for HIV/AIDS may not be supported under this FOA.
  • Applications proposing refinements to or validation of stigma measurement tools should make sure to link to health outcomes which will be improved as a result of the reduction in stigma.
  • Non-U.S. based High Income Country (HIC) investigators are not eligible as PD/PIs but may be included as consultants, especially if they present special opportunities for furthering research programs. The HIC investigator cannot be a Multiple PI team member.
  • LMIC researcher / organization can be the sole applicant and collaborate with other LMIC researchers, the FOA encourages collaborative proposal with at least one U.S. researcher who is identified as key personnel.
  • Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is scientifically distinct.
  • New 2021 and both New and Resubmissions in 2022 are allowed for this FOA PAR 19-344. You are encouraged to revise in response to the Summary Statement critiques and resubmit for consideration
  • Allowed Indirect Costs:  The FOA will use the activity code, R01 to fund/award successful applications. The R01 mechanism is a Research Project Grant (RPG) and as such the 8% will not apply. Applicants will use their current negotiated facilities and administrative (F&A) rate applied to their modified direct cost. Please check with your Institutional authorized official.
  • Subcontract indirect cost are added to the total direct cost but are not used in the calculation for determining the direct “capped” cost.

Reviewed 9/29/2021