Administrative supplements are used by Fogarty to add funds to an active grant or cooperative agreement (not normally to awards in no cost extensions) based on bona fide needs for defined purposes that are within the scope of the peer reviewed activities and aims approved for the parent award.
Consideration for supplemental funding is limited to situations where grantees face increased costs due to unforeseen circumstances that are seriously impeding progress on the funded project, or unanticipated opportunities that would greatly accelerate progress unknown when the competing application was submitted.
Administrative supplements will be awarded at the end of each fiscal year based on the limited availability of funds. Applications should be submitted by the dates outlined in the supplement notices linked below. Grantees applying to supplement opportunities that do not indicate a deadline should submit their requests no later than June 30. In general, Fogarty supplement applications will be reviewed, and awards made by the end of September.
Administrative supplements do not undergo peer review. Instead, they are reviewed by Fogarty program and grants management staff. In some cases, additional expertise may be included in the review.
The Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must verify that the parent award progress and financial reporting are up to date.
Supplements will
not be considered for the following:
Changes in scope
- Obtaining preliminary data for another contemplated research grant application
- Costs that can be paid for by re-budgeting funds or using unobligated balances from prior year awards
- Increased costs due to an investigator's transfer or promotion
- New long-term (more than one month) trainees in the final year of the project period
Types of Supplements Available
The principal investigatory (PI) should contact the Fogarty program official listed on the Notice of Award to discuss a possible administrative supplement.
Effective July 25, 2020 all administrative supplement applications must be submitted electronically using NIH ASSIST through
Applicants should not request budgets larger than their parent award annual amount. In general, most successful supplements request much smaller budgets that the parent award annual amount. For career development awards (K01, K43) the request cannot exceed the annual research budget of the award. Supplemental funding includes direct costs as well as associated facilities and administrative costs.
No appendices are allowed in applications except those stipulated by specific supplement program announcement.
Supplement applications should include:
- A detailed budget, which should only include funds requested for the additional supplement activities with a justification. Applicants must explain why the proposed activities cannot be completed with existing unobligated balance or by re-budgeting. A detailed budget and justification should also be included for each subaward, if proposed.
- On the face page of the application form, note that your application is in response to a specific program announcement, and enter the title and number of this announcement.
- Research or research training plans. At a minimum, the Research Strategy section should include the reason for the request, including a description of the activities to be performed under the supplement.
- A summary of progress and abstract of the funded parent award project.
- Other sections should also be included and revised if they will be changed by the proposed supplement activities.
- Project/performance sites section. Include the primary site where the proposed supplement activities will be performed. If a portion of the proposed supplement activities will be performed at any other site or sites, identify the locations in the fields provided.
- Key personnel section. List the PD/PI as the first person (regardless of their role in the supplement activities). List any other Key Personnel who will be added through this supplement, or for whom additional funds are being requested through this supplement; include a biographical sketch and human subjects education documentation (if applicable) for each.
- If applicable, attach documentation in the Appendix section indicating that the proposed research was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or human subjects Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the grantee institution. Adherence to the NIH policy for including women and minorities in clinical studies must also be ensured, if the involvement of additional human subjects is planned for the supplement component.
- Applicants are encouraged to include letters of support from new key personnel.
Applicants approved for supplemental funds will receive a Type 3 or revised Notice of Award.
Related Resources
Updated February 14, 2025