Epidemiology, Immunopathogenesis, and Outcomes of Non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Uganda
The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Funding Fogarty Program
Emerging Global Leader
Project Information in NIH RePORTER
Epidemiology, Immunopathogenesis, and Outcomes of Non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Uganda
Principal Institution
Infectious Diseases Institute
Principal Investigator(s) (PI)
Musubire, Abdu Kisekka
Project Contact Information
Year(s) Awarded
University of Minnesota
NIH Partners
Project Description
The number of people with of non-traumatic SCI is unknown because of non-uniform diagnostic categorization. The causes are many and vary by the different regions of the world, however the condition is thought to be more common in Africa. Many people either die with the condition or are left disabled due to the high costs and lack of neurologic expertise required to manage the condition in resource-limited settings.
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