Viral Diversity an Innovative Biomarker for Refining Estimates of HIV Incidence
The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Funding Fogarty Program
Emerging Global Leader
Project Information in NIH RePORTER
Viral Diversity an Innovative Biomarker for Refining Estimates of HIV Incidence
Principal Institution
Botswana-Harvard AIDS Institute
Principal Investigator(s) (PI)
Moyo, Sikhulile
Project Contact Information
Year(s) Awarded
Project Description
Cross-sectional methods for identifying new infections and targeting interventions is critical, but traditional longitudinal studies are costly. This study introduces an innovative approach to identifying recent infection which is of public health importance for both high- and low-income countries in the era of universal access to antiretroviral treatment. This mentored project will also support the development of the investigator into an independent researcher.
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