HIV-associated Tuberculosis Training Program (HATTP)
The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Funding Fogarty Program
Fogarty HIV Research Training
Project Information in NIH RePORTER
HIV-associated Tuberculosis Training Program (HATTP)
Principal Institution
University of Cape Town
Principal Investigator(s) (PI)
Meintjes, Graeme Ayton
Project Contact Information
Year(s) Awarded
South Africa
Johns Hopkins University
Vanderbilt University
Stellenbosch University
NIH Partners
Project Description
South Africa has among the highest incidence of HIV-associated tuberculosis in the world, with this condition and COVID-19 being leading causes of death in South Africa. The Fogarty HIV- associated Tuberculosis Training Program through which the University of Cape Town is partnering with Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Johns Hopkins University to provide research training opportunities to develop the next generation of researchers working on the epidemiology, treatment issues and immunology of HIV and tuberculosis as well as HIV and COVID-19 interactions. In this Training Program we will place strong emphasis on training clinician scientists/researchers, attracting medical students to HIV-associated tuberculosis and HIV-associated COVID-19 research, and on demographic transformation of the research platform to redress disparities persisting from apartheid.
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