Strengthening Research Administration and Management for Critical HIV Research in Kenya (STRAM-CHR)
The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Funding Fogarty Program
Fogarty HIV Research Training
Project Information in NIH RePORTER
Strengthening Research Administration and Management for Critical HIV Research in Kenya (STRAM-CHR)
Principal Institution
University of Nairobi
Principal Investigator(s) (PI)
M'Imunya, James Machoki
Project Contact Information
Year(s) Awarded
University of Washington
Project Description
Strong research administration and management infrastructure is critical to ensuring donor and institutional funds are effectively deployed for high priority HIV research targeted to reduce the incidence of HIV, developing next-generation therapies for HIV, enhancing UoN ability to conduct research toward an HIV cure. The purpose of this project is to strengthen scientific capacity to conduct HIV research in Kenya by enhancing knowledge and skills gaps among research administrators at UoN and its collaborating institutions through the Center for Research Innovation and Grants Advancement (CERIGA) for effective research administration and management at the University of Nairobi and its research partners in Kenya. Building on previous investment, in collaboration with University of Washington, this project will provide an opportunity to operationalize the CERIGA Strategic Plan towards supporting the general business management practices necessary for the effective management and compliance required for donor funding policies.
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