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Social determinants of cardiovascular disease risk over the life course

The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Funding Fogarty Program

Chronic, Noncommunicable Diseases and Disorders Research Training

Project Information in NIH RePORTER

Social determinants of cardiovascular disease risk over the life course

Principal Institution

Drexel University

Principal Investigator(s) (PI)

Sanchez, Brisa N.; Diez-Roux, Ana V.

Project Contact Information

Email: bns48@drexel.edu

Year(s) Awarded



Regional - Latin America; Panama


Institute for Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP)

NIH Partners


Project Description

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention in Central America requires understanding how social determinants and place-based factors influence cardiovascular risk across the lifespan. It is critical to train and mentor the local workforce in identifying research questions relevant to CVD prevention, in the use of appropriate research methods to answer them, and in the dissemination of results to the scientific community, the public, and policy makers. Building on an established collaboration between INCAP and Drexel University, this training program will develop the research capabilities of trainees from the region and build local capacity in the conduct of policy-relevant research on social determinants of cardiovascular risk across the lifespan.

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