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Intersectional Stigma Reduction for Tajik Migrants Who Inject Drugs

The following grant was awarded by, is supported by, is administered by or is in partnership with the Fogarty International Center at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Funding Fogarty Program


Project Information in NIH RePORTER

Intersectional Stigma Reduction for Tajik Migrants Who Inject Drugs

Principal Institution

University of Illinois at Chicago

Principal Investigator(s) (PI)

Mackesy-Amiti, Mary Ellen

Project Contact Information

Email: mmamiti@uic.edu

Year(s) Awarded



Tajikistan; Russia

NIH Partners


Project Description

Temporary labor migrants who inject drugs are at exceptionally high risk for acquiring HIV and transmitting it between country borders. Intersectional stigma associated with migrant status, illicit drug use, and HIV promotes risky behavior and inhibits preventative action. Interventions to reduce stigma would potentially contribute to reductions in HIV transmission and acquisition in this population. The study will investigate the character of stigma in the Moscow Tajik migrant community, and the effects of multiple intersecting forms of stigma on the health and well-being of Tajik labor migrants who inject drugs while living in Moscow.

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