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Tributes to Dr. Roger Glass, Fogarty International Center Director March 2006 to January 2023

January/ February 2023 | Volume 22 Number 1

Mary McAndrew at the NIH podium at the Fogarty 50th celebration

“Dr. Roger Glass’ commitment and leadership have enhanced and elevated Fogarty International Center nationally and internationally. His contributions to world health and his trailblazing initiatives while working in concert and collaboration with other NIH Institutes are unparalleled. How proud my Dad would be of his exceptional stewardship of Fogarty.”

Mary McAndrew, daughter of Congressman John E. Fogarty, namesake of Fogarty International Center and Chair, John E. Fogarty Foundation for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Headshot of Dr. Quarraisha Abdool Karim Headshot of Dr. Salim Abdool Karim

“There are few in the world who possess Roger Glass’ unique combination of scientific brilliance and dedication to global equity, all wrapped up in a down-to-earth personality. He is highly regarded across the globe for his deep commitment to those less fortunate—a commitment he turned into Fogarty Center training programs for African scientists and health care providers that have changed the face of the HIV response on the continent.”

Salim & Quarraisha Abdool Karim, PhDs, Directors, Center for the AIDS Program of Research in South Arcaro (CAPRISA); Vice-Chancellors, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Headshot of Dr. Jean William Pape

“Roger Glass has been a real force and a beacon of hope for those of us working in developing countries. He has always been attentive to our needs and the multiple challenges we face. His immense knowledge of medicine and openness to different cultures and understanding the global health threats, put him in an ideal position to direct this great institution. His humility and general knowledge have made it easy to work and communicate with him, opening new horizons and links among researchers and trainees in different countries, where he has a long list of admirers. His visit in Haiti has galvanized our entire staff and motivated our young physicians to embrace a career in global health research. The contribution of hundreds of Haitian Fogarty trainees under Roger’s leadership has been transformative for our institution.”

Jean William (“Bill”) Pape, MD, Executive Director and founder, GHESKIO Centers

Headshot of Dr. Sten Vermund

“Roger Glass has helped save millions of lives in the past and the future with his decades of contributions in vaccine development and testing—and that’s before he even arrived at Fogarty.  At Fogarty, his persistence and evidence-based approach to advocacy has built partnerships across the globe, the public health sector, and within NIH to launch new initiatives of highest priority. We congratulate Roger on his career and his achievements in growing and guiding Fogarty into the challenges of the 21st Century.”

Sten H. Vermund, MD, PhD, Dean and Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health, Yale School of Public Health

Headshot of Dr. Trevor Mundel

“Roger has exhibited deep humility and constant optimism in the pursuit of advancing health equity. His commitment to equitable partnership, equity of opportunity, and to global scientific workforce and ecosystem development is to be applauded and has been the bedrock for his tenure at Fogarty.”

Trevor Mundel, MD, PhD, President, Global Health, Gates Foundation

Headshot of Dr. Patty Garcia

“Roger has been not only the director of Fogarty but so much more: a MENTOR for us, former and actual trainees, always available and with a keen interest in helping and guiding young and not-that-young professionals; a VISIONARY LEADER; an ARCHITECT OF THE FUTURE OF GLOBAL HEALTH; and a GREAT ADVOCATOR of the importance of training people globally and investing in capacity building FOR A MORE INCLUSIVE AND EQUITABLE WORLD.”

Patty Garcia, MD, MPH, Dean, School of Public Health, Cayetano Heredia University, Peru; Former Minister of Health, Peru

Headshot of Mary Woolley

“The world has been made that much safer during Roger’s tenure as Director.  The many individuals trained by Fogarty have become leaders who will continue to work to assure a healthier world in the years ahead. Past and future accomplishment by these leaders represent a large and lasting part of Roger’s legacy.”

Mary Woolley, President, Research! America

Headshot of Dr. Judith Wasserheit

“Roger, your footprints have been carved by a combination of your warmth and genuine delight in connecting with people, as well as learning about new ideas and approaches; and your remarkable memory for details about those people, in addition to the science they are doing.  These footprints have been deepened by your own keen insights, grounded in a commitment to making a difference and a gusto for new experiences and perspectives. Thank you for all those great big footprints!” 

Judith Wasserheit, MD, Professor of Global Health, University of Washington

Headshot of Dr. Jon Rohde “Roger is an exemplary American physician of whom the country is proud. His curiosity was endless as he went from CDC to icddr,b working on cholera and childhood diarrhea, to NIH developing rotavirus vaccine, and back to CDC to head viral diseases. His tenure as director of Fogarty has capitalized on his good humor, scientific rigor, and remarkable acceptance in countries around the world where he has aggressively supported young investigators who will carry his dedication for decades to come.”

Jon Rohde, MD, former senior advisor, UNICEF and BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee); visiting scholar Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Headshot of Dr. Vikas Kapil

“What I have come to appreciate most about Roger is his passion and commitment for his work and the compassion he demonstrates towards the people he works with. He is kind, respectful, caring, sincere, and has an amazing ability to really connect with people regardless of their position or roles. Although he will be sorely missed at NIH, I know for a fact that Roger has been very thoughtful and intentional in recruiting and developing an exceptional leadership team at Fogarty.”

Vikas Kapil, MD, Chief Medical Officer & Associate Director for Science, Center for Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Headshot of Dr. Paulo Buss

"Roger Glass helped to build capacity in the Global South, promoting research and elevating the academic standards of science everywhere. His actions will be remembered. We are glad he will continue to serve as senior scientist emeritus, focusing on diversity and equity, which as we saw during the pandemic, is one of the most pressing priorities in global health.”

Paulo Buss, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil

Headshot of Dr. Pierce Gardner

“I met Roger when he was a stellar medical student. Roger is best known for his early epidemiology studies of diarrheal disease in Bangladesh, followed by his heroic work at NIH and CDC developing and bringing rotavirus vaccines into use. Roger’s exceptional tenure leading the Fogarty International Center has been highly salubrious in enhancing the value and image of Fogarty. Roger is a direct, honest person who is collegial, inclusive, rock solid, and quick to share glory.”

Pierce Gardner, MD, Infectious Disease Internist, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University

Headshot of Dr. Francis Collins

“It’s impossible to overstate the profoundly important contributions that Roger Glass has made to global health research. He was constantly seeking out new opportunities to start research projects and support capacity building, especially in low- and middle- income countries. He was the trusted and much-admired face of NIH for much of the world. He has left a permanent and powerful imprint on NIH’s global health contributions.”

Francis Collins, MD, PhD, Science Advisor to the President; former Director, NIH

Headshot of Dr. Gail Cassell

“Roger Glass is not only the longest serving Fogarty director but the most effective. Roger has a knack for fostering collaboration and drawing the best out of his colleagues, trainees, and his peers. His efforts to form new and impactful partnerships with both the public and private sectors are unparalleled.”

Gail Cassell, MD, Vice President, TB Drug Development, Infectious Disease Research Institute

Headshot of Karen Goraleski

“Roger, you have a special mix of a curious scientific mind, a drive for excellence, and a style that above all has the singular goal of bringing people, ideas, and projects together for the greater good. Your passion for promoting Fogarty has wisely extended beyond the traditional NIH circles to the broader community of societies and related organizations.”

Karen Goraleski, CEO, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Headshot of Dr. Anthony Fauci

“Roger Glass has added an entirely new dimension to the ability of NIH to interact at the global level in so many ways. One of the most important has been the Fogarty’s highly successful training of international scientists who directly and indirectly have become true collaborators with NIH and even part of the NIH family.”

Anthony Fauci, MD, former director of NIAID

Updated February 27, 2025

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