Photo of fishermen on lake, Kenya
This image was selected as a winner of the 2010 Fogarty Grantee Photo Contest.
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Photo title: Fishermen on lake, Kenya
Photographer: Michelle Chu, University of California – San Francisco
Description: A UCSF-UCB Framework student team, based on Mfangano Island in Kenya, collaborated with Family AIDS Care and Education Services (FACES) to establish a hotline for fisher-folk. The fishermen are a particularly vulnerable group because their work makes it difficult to keep up with Antiretroviral (ARV) treatment and clinic appointments. The goal of the hotline project is to facilitate fisher-folk’s ability to pick up their medications in a timely fashion and keep their clinic appointments even when work takes them far from their usual clinic.
Funding Fogarty program: Framework Programs for Global Health
Principal Investigator: Dr. Christopher C. Stewart, University of California – San Francisco