Photo of "Bibi", Tanzania
This image was selected as a winner of the 2010 Fogarty Grantee Photo Contest.
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Photo title: "Bibi", Tanzania
Photographer: Ellen Rennard, Groton, MA (professional photographer)
Description: Rahma Kihedu (a grandma, or "bibi" in Kiswahili) is one of the women from the Bibi Jann Grandma-2-Grandma program, part of the Bibi Jann Children's Care Trust in the village of Mbagala, about ten miles south of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The program has links to Dartmouth College and the Dartmouth Medical School. Bibi Rahma has lost two of her children to AIDS and takes care of three orphaned grandchildren.
Funding Fogarty program: AIDS International Training and Research Program
Principal Investigator: C. Fordham von Reyn, Dartmouth Medical School/Boston University